
Svg Becuse im into it for today

ftl Faster Then light becuse this is towards roket scince

HIS hospital infromation systems. what is the state of the art real time comunications


Thanks Ric For the nice overvide in general i agree that

It is also quite clear nowadays that traditional SCADA systems cannot deal well with the new requirements of Industry 4.0, IIoT, Big Data, IA/ML, cloud, cybersecurity, etc. 

and we need better solutions.

He further proposes the use of postgress mongo json and web standards to build controle panels directly.

Pros: - existing software suck as inkscape can be used to design the graphic. - custom css, js etc can be used to provide interactive functionality. - browsers are idly capable of rendering - etc

Cons: - a little bit scattered. way are all these things defiled - have to comply with browser specification and deal with inconsistencies between chrome webkit etc - sparse documentation (thanks for the great collection)

Anyway What do DO?

- i notices rendering is slow i suspect to mutch dom manipulations so we should do  virtual rendered for svg 
    - like Data System -> [Our SVG Renderer] -> compliant svg to browser svg renderer
     The Cloud(PG) -> [Virtual dom in js]  -> [browser svg dom] (passes events back)

How Can we have our clients display their vector svg graphics best


Yes svg

but way to much shit there we just need a simple design

leaflet uses only path in one groop. fair limitations

what properties do a path support?

The 3 things of web mapping is: Point PolyLine Polygone


In svg everyh can be a path 

    Markers users at start and end 
    fill type polygon som how ???


Road Solid When this is that

when properties.class = "highway"

then style = green

.class { operator: "0" value: "highway" style: { fill=green } }

-- DROP TABLE realtime_data; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS realtime_data ( tag text not null, time_tag TIMESTAMPTZ(3) not null, json_data jsonb, PRIMARY KEY ( tag ) );

//[[real]].js // :real/:start/:end CREATE TABLE real_time_data { real: text time: unixtime -- > parseInt(ev.time) -> show data: json }

//client operates in push only mode and

// the fishing line swlint { text real text time text data { nano, id, transaction, fov, style, watever }


You can then genorate the svg images on the fly and

embed the mesage in data, posibaly using teqneques like this :

really just put the data directly in the attrabutes.

This is by defonaintion js injection we are actualy using the sandbox to protect the client computer from harmfull pakages.

by minimizing the data transferstandardising streams and

Real Time Data Spec RTDS

Positionaing in you system. This is the fundamental dataspek thati s never goint to change kiers law

first ther was data: {}

then ther was RetObject data: {success, msg, ?data, ?debug, ?time, ?meta}

then we got osint pgtable realtime_data(tag, tag_time, json_data)

so what is our data? its real time datal haha

let data = {
    tag: "",
    tag_time: 123456789,
    json_data: {
        success: true,
        msg: "the",
        data: "arbatrary action data",
        debug; "arbatrary debug data",
        meta: "arbatrary meta data"

    real: "my action",
    nano: bigint//  percice sample actions 
    data: any other data 

Planning for Tower defence game

PSGR" p test the system s: towers, troops, edges

r: towers grow by 1+n*0.1 + 0.5 * n_suppliers troops / second troops move between nodes at speed of light +50ms/hop for simplicity lets call thisinstant with 250ms animation troops are emmited round robbin to each port at rate of 1 * n_attacks + math.floor(n_troops/10) for simplicity lets say 1/attack/s + 1/reinforcment


Each svg marker will be a tower

A big cartoon arrow will conect.

bees will fly accros from the ent to the castles

castles will shoot defensivaly


Tower, Ent 

class Ent {

constructor(context, url, options) {

