
Redirects ยป GeoSVG Namespace

Versions of the Geo Svg Spec:

You are probably looking for the actual spec defonaitions/ documentations.
You can find that here:

GeoSVG XML Namespace

You have found this page because the GeoSVG document contains a URI-like string which points here. This identifier is not an actual URL and doesn't provide a definition or any other information about the type of information contained in the namespace.

Details about What GeoSVG's Namespace Contains

What is a Namespace Name?

"The namespace name, to serve its intended purpose, SHOULD have the characteristics of uniqueness and persistence. It is not a goal that it be directly usable for retrieval of a schema (if any exists)."

Namespace names are just strings, so the fact that the SVG namespace name also looks like a URI isn't important. URIs are commonly used because they are unique; the intention is not to "link" somewhere. In fact, URIs are used so frequently that the term "namespace URI" is commonly used instead of "namespace name".

Versions of the Geo Svg Spec:

You are probably looking for the actual spec defonaitions/ documentations.
You can find that here: