

In the realm of human ties so vast, Three principles guide us as we're asked: First, for others, "Don't be shitty," we plea, A standard of kindness, respect, and empathy.

For family, a higher bar we set, "Make good things happen," our hearts beset. With ethics and love, we bond and endeavor, To nurture a home where we all can grow together.

But when wrongs are done, forgiveness we see, A chance for healing and setting hearts free. Release the anger, let old grudges mend, In forgiveness, our spirits can finally transcend.

yolo send it !

So where do i begin. this is a story of javascript and how it has perliforated the entire world.

Becuse of that we need to understand the concept of

Programmer Time , Build Time , Request Time , Browser Time

For example if we have some code it can be modified by the programer using an editor or tools

Then we build the code whitch converts it from some developer form to somthing a browser requests

Once we have a file for the browser at request we can modify it!

So lets hack it together

cat <<EOF > ./src/functions/fullpower.js.ejs

console.log("Wazzup Cloudflare Build Time")
<%console.log("Wazzup Ejs Intermidiat Build time context")%>

export function onRequest(ctx) {
  console.log("hello Cloudflare Request time <%=name%>") // here we embed the project name at build time
  let test = 42;
let body = `
<pre id='debug'>

  console.log("Wazzzzzaup Browser")
  var dump = {
      browser: "Hello World"
      request: ${test}
      build: <%=name%>
  document.getElementById("debug").innerText = JSON.stringify(dump, null, 2);
` ; // end our page template with variable injected from build and from request

  return new Response(body, {
      headers: {
        Content-Type: "text/html"


What? Inversion of context controle so end user gets all data - pro for app developer - pro for privacy - pwn cloudflair if you want How? Pluto dependanciy ingection - at build tim inject pluto and other app dependancies - the injected code will be called at request time - whitch then injects code for run time

What? The end result is that we have the build and runtime context back at our application - so we know everything the server knows about us - we can then encrypt save and forget about these as desired. - and there is no oblication for the server to stro info