
9 the path of life

by syonfox

started may 17 2024

I dont know where i furst atributed 9 to the path of life i guess you just run out of fingers. and say whatever and so on.

or maybe its 2 thumbs up. Try crossing your thums and making a bird, maybe this is 9, a free bird flying the winds of time.

I dont know if its new or not but there are many forces pushing and pulling at the favric of sociaty. Maybe i think about it too much. the point is people are becoming complacent and lazy. I notice this even in myself. nobod stands for anything. WE just watch the desopina future fortold by the 80's fall down upon us and wait paitanetly for our lives to be over and for it to move on to the next generation of victimes. This may be an exaduration but i think in small part it is true. I cant really blame people the mechanisims of whitch we are eroded are byond even my comprehention. An im only an slightly above avrage monkey.

How are we suposed to balence the forces of the unaverse when we canot even see them. We can only feal, smell hear and see the unavers around us. calling for somthing. I do not know what but I have a feeling we are ment to do somthing great. I have a feeling the world isa small becon of light that sombody is afrade might go out. Im afrade that on the path we are on it will. somtimes people say to worry about the small things, but the small things do not matter maybe we should forget them and worry about the big ones. Not how do we recycle or how do we survice the winter or how do we get the next car.

How do we escape the clutches of an alian civalization hell bent on squeezin every last drop out of the unaverse. How to preserve the most valuble resorce the unavers has.


For without this we kill all art, all imagination, all chaos that makes life so intresting to live. We need to find a path where optimaization flourishes alongside creativity. Becuse without both humanity cannot survive the next 2 million yeats I dont even know the story i am telling for my path has just begun. But ill start with my past


On about nov 5 1997 i was born in nelson bc canada earth. in a small cabin my mother and father rased me for 2 years befor my sister was born. at that time my father got a job for the scool district in vanderhoof bc about 1000km away. we moover there and i grw up for a few years on the outskerts of town. there i took my early scooling and never really fit in. i got into my first fight whitch i lost. and made my first friends whitch faded away. After some years my parens split up for still unknonw resions. My mom says its all worth it becuse she has me. After som time my mom got a nice job up nother doing mapping for the forst fire department. In a beutifle town by a wild river. I have fon memories of swimming in the eddies of the river and its there i kayaked first. experiancing the wonder and the power of the river. In my middle scool i was not the most populare kid ether making few friends and a few enemies. falling in love that went nowhere. But I supose school was my first love... after my mother of course. I learned many things and even corected a few teachers. After som time and hardship we moved south becure my mom and stepfather wanted a better school for me. I did a little better there making some firends and no enimies.

I skiped my first travel first jobs and many experiances. Winter trapping, school trip to china, work at groceriy stores, a rebelios nack for shoplifting. A fight at the schatepark. learnng pingpong. skidooing. and more.

So many experiances that have made me who i am but fade wit hthe sands of time. Least we forget.

On to unaversity where i didnt quite make my first choice but got a blessing with the second. At UNBC i made some good frieds who like the others have faded with time. I aced first year and won my first and last poker game.

After that i lucked out with a nice job as a securit instalation technican driving around canada and the us installing cameras and doorlocks in peoples homes. UNiversity is all a blur as I tried to find myself in this odd world.

Im not sure if im makeing excuses or not but it was the time i started drinking and smoking more. I have always felt im in control. If im being honest i was when i did mushroom for the first time i felt i lost control of my smoking spiraling down into more and more. Im not sure if my mind was shassing or if somthing changes.

I am still of course me, I saw no meaning before. and its probably good that i had enou of a sence of myself before that point that i can recover.

If im being honest i shut donw went into a pit if dispare and then wokr up. I never felt like i had lost myself. I never felt like i had lost control.

I only feel that people are ignoreing me more and more. that people slowly loos faith in who you are and who you can be. You must remember you dont need anyone but yourself to have faith in you.

People are capable of acheaving anything we have the power of the univers flowing throu us we simply need to aknowlage and utalize it for good.

I had a dream once that I was asked to choose, good obviously. For if not that then what.

And so we should fill in the deetails in between becuse there are more detials in the first half then the second. but the second was all a blur and that blure is simply accelorating. Mony work school philosopyl travle love drinking smoking friends.

Forgivness is the path of life. 42 is the meaning of life.



A story.

On a butiful day i was looking for a budject place to stay, they were not avalible for some time so i went for one night to a hostel neer by. the funky monky. There as i was bout to leave two girls walked into the bar, being you and dumb and a little horny i walked up to them and orderd my morngin orange juice while they were at the counter. I guess it was the try that mattered becure afterechangin numbers and a short conversation. she actual called me later..

We came to another hostel whitch was quiater then expected and talked on the roof. I was not sure what to do or how to act but at 2am she asked if i wanted to come back to funky monky with them. It was late but i did not want ot give up yet. I still dont almost one year later, i doubt i ever will. Of course isaid yes let me grab mo coat. There was a beutifull night. The next day we went to the beach and being the stupid boy I am i tiried to impress them on the scooty. i didnt send it into the ocean by crashed on the side as a medium. It was nice though i recoverd by the rocks while they swam in the ocean. And we went back in the evening Tending to my scratches this was the time doubt was sowed in my head. I saw somthing difrent in the love that night. Im stil tryingto release it. IM not sure if it it tru or fake love. only time will tell but i believe in my heart it is true. If this is not true then i have little left in this world. And so the only alternitive is that forces of controle are tampering with our minds to divideo our hearts our minds and our soles from our bodies and we must not let them. Hold on to you love hold on to your trust and hold on to the spark of hope inside for if we loos that humanity loses all. Peopl lie cheat and steal when they loose their heart. And so it is the most important thing to protect. Anger sadens, all of emotion .

anyway just breath

and forgive. and know that you canot give up.

we got this.

Wisdom is the path of life.

THats it for today maybe forever probably not. tbc